Our student - Sirawit Srikor

Sirawit Srikor

Here, Srikor shared insights he found in his groundbreaking research on CD8 T cells and their roles in combating dengue virus infection. His research, which forms the basis of his thesis under the supervision of Matangkasombut Choopong and Sungnak, focuses on unraveling the heterogeneity of CD8 T cells using a cutting-edge single-cell RNA sequencing technique. His findings have the potential to revolutionize treatments and vaccines for dengue fever.

Srikor attributes his interest in science to his innate curiosity, which has been evident since his high school days. His passion for understanding the world and seeking solutions led him to pursue a career in microbiology, a field that merges his love for cell molecular biology and immunology. His educational background, which includes a degree in biology and a master’s in biochemistry, has provided him with a solid foundation for his current research.

When asked about work-life balance, Srikor emphasized the importance of enjoying what you do while also maintaining a balance with personal life. He finds leisure activities like traveling and trying new foods rewarding after accomplishing work goals.

Srikor’s  work has not only influenced his professional life but also his personal development. It has made him more disciplined and hardworking, teaching him the value of resilience and dedication. He believes that his experiences as a graduate student here have helped him become a better person, enhancing his problem-solving skills and adaptability.

Looking ahead, Srikor is committed to continuing his research on CD8 T cells and the dengue virus. He sees ongoing challenges in the field and believes that his expertise can make a significant impact on public health globally. However, he remains open to exploring new areas of research, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth.

Reflecting on his journey, Srikor considers mastering data analysis from scratch as his greatest achievement during his PhD. Despite facing initial challenges, his dedication and perseverance paid off, demonstrating that obstacles can be overcome with passion and patience.

In conclusion, Srikor’s research represents a significant contribution to the field of microbiology. His work not only sheds light on the immune response to dengue virus but also serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and passion in scientific research.

Jikka Nealiga